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At Nova Primary Academy, we believe in inspiring all pupils to participate and express themselves through physical activities whilst also looking at ways to establish a healthy lifestyle. We build on the knowledge and skills necessary for mental, social and physical wellbeing, which is key for a successful future for our children. We aim to use physical education to teach the children to have confidence, persevere and to develop self-discipline. Pupils at Nova participate in high-quality P.E. lessons and sporting activities. We incorporate a variety of sports to ensure our children develop high levels of self-esteem, tolerance and appreciate their own and others’ strengths and areas for development. We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities in addition to competitive sporting events. These opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed our school values. We teach our children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values to support their mental and physical well-being.

The aims of our PE curriculum are to develop pupils who:

· Are willing to practice skills in a range of different activities and situations, alone, in small groups and in teams, and to apply these skills in chosen activities to achieve exceptionally high levels of performance;

· Have and maintain high levels of physical fitness;

·  Are able to remain physically active for sustained periods of time and have an understanding of the importance of this in promoting long-term health and well-being;

· Employ imagination and creativity in their techniques, tactics and choreography;

· Are able to improve their own and others’ performance

· Have a keen interest in PE - a willingness to participate eagerly in every lesson, highly positive attitudes and the ability to make informed choices about engaging fully in extracurricular sport;

· Can swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and know how to remain safe in and around water

Through our PE curriculum, we have developed an all-inclusive range of sporting opportunities, in school and in extra-curricular activities such as dance, football, gymnastics, basketball, golf, archery, dodgeball, netball and tennis, that offer pupils a wide- variety of opportunities to access sports that they may not have access to outside of school time. The P.E curriculum at Nova Primary provides children with a relevant, coherent, progressive knowledge of the fundamental movement, skills and further links to health and well-being. These are explored through our teaching of: Fundamental Movement Skills, outdoor sports, indoor sports, Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA), swimming and fitness.