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Home school agreement

School is about partnership between parents, staff and children.  We pride ourselves at Nova for involving parents in the education of their children, which is a shared responsibility.  There is much to be involved in and to enjoy.  Parents, carers and guardians are invited to come and share in the children’s achievements.  This could be at the Harvest Festival celebrations, Christmas services and end-of-term performances.  The children also participate in musical concerts.

We expect parents/carers and pupils to respect our school policies and procedures, and as an indication of your support request that you sign our Home/School Agreement (see below for details).

Parents are formally invited into school in the Autumn and Spring terms to discuss academic and social progress.  A written report is issued for all children in the Summer term.  This report forms part of the pupil’s records so that parents know what information is recorded about their child.  Children are also tested through National Curriculum tests in Year Two and Year 6. Pupils in Year One will also be screened for the Phonic Screening Check. The results of all of these will be reported to parents.

Each year, our contact information is updated.  Parents, therefore, have the opportunity to check family information recorded in school.  Security measures are taken to ensure that the information is kept confidential and only available to authorised staff.

Teachers are available to discuss your child’s progress throughout the year.  A letter or telephone call requesting an appointment will ensure the availability of the Key Stage Lead or Class Teacher.

Problems relating to particular children should be discussed with the Class Teacher in the first instance.

Newsletters and other letters will be sent home periodically to inform parents about general matters in school.  Parents are requested to check children’s pockets and bags for letters.

Scholarpack, the schools website and the school Twitter account are all used to communicate events within the school, alongside paper leaflets and letters.

The school is also able to text parents via ‘Scholarpack’,